In each course we will explore how the chilled stones are the deep healing activators and the heated stones support the body through the healing process emotionally. Indeed, the duality / polarity of both extreme degrees of temperatures are needed for balance and to help support the client on their journey of restoration. In addition we also share with the students that ''chilled stones are 10 times more powerful than a heated stone'' because if used properly in the right amount of time and range from 27º to 32º you can safely generate an internal heating response within the client’s body. In turn this will aid the client in a flushing experience and they will feel warmth deep inside due to the chilled stones encouraging the body to maintain homeostasis.
In each course we strive to expand the students understanding of the scientific principles of geo-thermal therapy both short term and long term applications of heated and chilled stones.
Naturally we will also focus on the safety of both heated and chilled stones to promote a chemical response within the client’s body.
When teaching we not only focus on the safety of the heated stones, but also the chilled stones and how they are the deep healing activators allowing the heated stones to support the body through the healing process emotionally.
In the advanced courses we introduce the therapist to the various forms of energy healing philosophies coupled with the art of stone therapy; Chakra Balancing, Energy work, Lomi lomi, Reiki, Smudging, Sound therapy and Mary’s favorite, creating and reading Sacred Symbol messages.
Has exceeded the high standards of excellence put forth by NCBTMB for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork and is hereby recognized and awarded the esteemed designation of Board Approved Continuing Education Provider.
In this course students will learn how to choose various temperatures ranging from 130º to 27º which will gently and safely challenge the body to chemically respond to the alternating temperatures as they are massaged on and around the client’s body throughout the stone session. Full description...
This course is designed for the stone massage therapist that is seeking to advance their stone massage Full description...
It is not required but it is highly recommended that the therapist taking this course already has a background in some form of energy therapy, i.e. Reiki, Healing Touch, Chakra Balancing, Sound Therapy, Bio Touch, Polarity, NSA, Full description...
This course will go smoother for those who have either taken Stone Healing course or has a background in energy methodologies and or stone massage. Full description...